How to Increase Internet Security When Browsing Online

Browsing and shopping online today is no longer uncommon and it is part of most households who have internet access on a regular basis. When you are online, it is important to consider your internet security and the measures you have taken to protect your identity and to help with protecting your assets and financial information. Before you enter in any sensitive data or personal banking information while purchasing items online, it is important that you have a clear understanding of how you are protecting yourself and that you are also only using certified and secure websites to make your purchases.

Choosing the Right Username and Password

First, it is important to create usernames and online passwords that are difficult to guess for others but possible for you to remember. Keep a separate notebook or journal of your online passwords locked away so you have it as a reference in case you are unable to retrieve your passwords online or if you frequently forget your online username information. Avoid simple passwords that can include your pet's name (with a number), your telephone number or even your last name or the city you live in. Any information that can be accessed by strangers or even by friends using social networks should never make its way into your password selection.

Updating Security Software

It is also important to have a virus and spyware protection program installed on your computer. When you have an up-to-date internet security program installed you are more likely to be notified of potentially dangerous websites, files or even occurrences on your computer that can signify it has been hacked or hijacked by a potential security threat. 

Get familiar with the way your anti-virus or spyware program appears and works, as there are also "fake" virus warnings from the "FBI" and other well-known internet security companies. If your screen has been hijacked by one of these viruses, it will appear that you need to enter in personal information in order for you to re-gain access to your computer. If this is the case, you will need to properly remove the virus yourself or work with a professional who has experience with spyware, malware and viruses.

Be Cautious of Torrents

Although it is possible to download torrents and files that are legally capable of being shared, downloading torrents also poses the risk of giving yourself a virus or another type of spyware that can interfere with your computer's speed and potentially your online security when browsing and shopping. Always ensure you are downloading anything online from a safe source before you save files to your computer to help with protecting you, the files you have saved on your computer and the welfare of your computer overall.

Using Safe Websites

Before you register as a member on a website or enter in personal information to make a purchase, ensure you are using a safe website that has an active SSL certificate (secure sockets layer). Using a website that is well-known, certified and also has a SSL integrated is a way to ensure that when you enter your data it is safe and will not be sold, shared or given away for profit or to any other third-party company.

Author's Bio:

Want to know more on the local internet providers? Go through more of Eric Brown’s articles which are rich in internet provider related information. He works for