Latest Bloggnig Updates 2012

Many blogging platforms will release frequent blogging updates. The most popular and successful blogging platform is Wordpress. This article covers how you should go about updating your Wordpress blogging platform.

Installing the latest version of WordPress is not very complicated. At the same time, it is not obvious. Many people wonder how to update their blog. Download the latest version of WordPress and upload it to the WordPress directory, overwriting all files. This operation preserves your images and themes.

So, just to clarify again, the various manipulations you need to do to update your blog are as follows.

Save your database and complete files that are in your blog. You should already be doing that anyway, just in-case of a remote server failure deleting your blog. When updating your blog however, backing-up is essential for if the update does not complete correctly. So remember to make a backup of your database via Wordpress with the tab "export" in the navigation bar.

Disable all plugins

When updating from one version to another, especially between two large versions like going from 2.3 to 2.7, it is very important to disable all plugins first. Some of them may have not yet been updated to the latest version and could disrupt the functioning of the blog, so it is best to remove them from the equation.

Download and unzip

Download the WordPress update and unzip it if you need to. If you downloaded WordPress on a remote web server, you should also download the archive WordPress update on your computer too and (with your favorite web browser) unzip the archive.

If you have access to the shell of your web server, and you know how to utilize the tools from the command line, you may prefer to download WordPress directly to your web server. You may do this using wget, lynx or any other web browser command line, which is good if you want to avoid the transfer by FTP. Put the archive in a folder that is parallel to your current WordPress folder. Then unpack it as follows: gunzip -c latest.tar.gz | tar -xf or as follows: tar -zxvf latest.tar.gz

The name latest.tar.gz default is the name of the downloaded archive. However, it may be different depending upon your update download. Simply replace it with the name of your file in the above commands. The WordPress archive will be extracted to a folder named Wordpress .

Remove older versions

You may like to delete any old files from your current WordPress. It’s good practice to remove any older WordPress files because the download process (or update) is not able to overwrite existing files correctly. They have the ability to cause future problems.

Don’t delete any of the files listed here. 

File = wp-config.php ,
Folder = wp-content ,
File = wp-images ,
Folder = wp-includes/languages/ if you use a translation file,
File =  .htaccess if you have added any custom rules,
Or any of your customized content and extensions in the file wp-content as well as images, files put online and other personal content found in this folder.

If you do not know how to program using shell, and/or do not have direct access to your browser command line, then you may update your WordPress the old fashioned way.

You are going to try to update the files for your blog. Obviously this is an issue that scares a lot of people. Here, you will replace various files and folders that you use to customize your blog, but your articles should still remain unaltered (though you should still keep a back up copy as mentioned previously).

You do not need to update the plugins folder, themes, and the folder containing the images that illustrate your articles. Regarding the latter case, if it is a folder that you created, it will not be replaced or deleted since there is not a new version to install. This is the same as when you update using shell (as mentioned previously).

Run the script to update. This is the URL to use for the update. HYPERLINK ""

Replace "" with the name of your blog and "wordpress" with the folder name of your blog. Follow the steps it asks of you, and if all goes well, you'll be able to connect to the administration interface of your blog in the newest WordPress version.

Restart the plugins one by one. As mentioned earlier, some plugins may not be updated with the latest version of WordPress, so install the latest blogging update and restart them one by one whilst seeing the impacts on your blog.

Normally, if you followed all the steps in this update, you do not have to do anything more.

Author’s bio:

My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web-site <a href=”http:// HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ”> </a>. We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.