Twitter – How you can Benefit From it as an Online Marketer

Twitter has created a buzz among those who love social networking. Anyone who has an account on this site can follow his favorite celebrity, sports star, politician and organization. He will be always updated with the latest events happening around him. He can always have the latest news about the person he is following. Twitter also allows to post your thought on the updates given by the people being followed by you. The popularity of twitter can be well used as a tool to expand your business. It can be effectively used as a cheap medium of promoting your products. And last but not the least, it is fun.

What is twitter? If you are still not familiar with the concept of twitter!

Twitter is a microblogging and social networking service that runs over the internet. It gives the user the facility of sending and receiving text based messages. These messages are 140 characters in length. These short messages are popularly known as tweets. This social networking site was created by Jack Dorsey in the year 2006. it soon gained popularity throughout the world and the number over users opening a twitter account increased at a great space soon. It has been listed among the top 10 websites that are visited the most. The persons who are registered on twitter can post their comments on the tweets made by the people they are following. While the unregistered users of twitter can only read the tweets and comments. The access of twitter is not only limited to personal computers. Twitter can be accessed from a wide range of other devices like mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and even smart televisions. For the hand held devices you have to download the twitter application for those particular devices. These applications can be downloaded from different application stores or from Twitter's own website. Due to the growing popularity of Twitter, mobile phone companies are bundling the twitter application with the phones.

The Twitter Logo: get to know everything about it!

Twitter has changed its logo three times since its inception. When Twitter was first launched in the year 2006, the logo was Twitter written in blue. This logo continued till the year 2010. The second logo was “Larry the Bird”. The current logo that is “Twitter Bird” - a blue bird, was finalized in June 2012.

Top 4 features of Twitter that makes it different from other social media sites

Top 4 features of Twitter that makes it different from other social media sites

The 140 characters message Tweets: The registered users of Twitter can express their thoughts with the help of messages. These messages are restricted to 140 characters. Tweets made by a person can be seen by every registered user of Twitter. However, you can even restrict the visibility of a tweet to only the users who are following you. You can tweet using a personal computer. These days many smart phones allow you to access twitter on the move. Some mobile phone service providers also allow you to tweet using short messaging service. You don't have to pay a single penny to tweet on Twitter. But when you are tweeting using the sms service, standard sms charges as fixed by your mobile service provider apply.
# tags and @ to classify your message: Twitter can post anything by type or topic using the # tag. If he want to mention a user in his post he can use the @ symbol. The user name will follow the @. You can even retweet as a reply to the tweet made by a person you are following. This done by using RT in your message.
Limitation of the tweet to 140 characters: the tweets were limited to just 140 characters with the concept that it will be compatible with the short messaging service. You can even shorten the URL's. This enables you to give links to multimedia content via your tweet.
You need to verify your Twitter account: Two years after its inception in 2006, Twitter launched a service that enabled users to get their accounts verified. This allows users to differentiate between original
and fake accounts.

Top 2 uses of Twitter

A top tool to promote your business: If you own a business, you can use Twitter as a free advertisement medium. You can reach your customers and let them know about your products and services.
A digital way to revolt: People can revolt using Twitter. For instance, the whole world came to know about the distressful situation of the Egyptians through social networking sites like Twitter.

Twitter is the most popular social networking site in Japan. It is also gaining popularity very fast all over the world.

Author Bio

This is from Ann mary who blogs at pregnancy Miracle website where he covers pregnancy miracle review and make people aware about it.