WordPress Vs Blogger, What’s your preference ?

There are so much blogging platforms, that offers free and premium blogging services, but there are just two most popular. While I was checking the net of blogging platforms available, I saw that there are a thousand and one of them, yet in my life, I can only point at Blogger.com and WordPress, they seem to be the most popular and widely used. Yet on these two platforms are entire differences. Will never say one is better than the other, but let’s make a little comparism to the best of my knowledge and little research.


Blogger.com is a blogging labeled platform owned by Google, and the funniest thing is that it is completely free. I always say Google is a Charity organization. Even the domain, it’s free, but it adds blogspot.com, you can as well custom you own domain using it with the blogger platform, it’s accepted. The setup and management is extremely simple, and no cumbersome coding arrangement like you gets on WordPress, even it lacks the SEO tool and plugin installation that are some of the jargons on WordPress.

With just a click, your content is live; you don't really need a backup database. Yet it is free, it still allows you to make some change with Amazon and Google Adsense.

The only limitation you get on blogger is the 1GB Storage compares to the 3GB given by WordPress, also, you cannot design it to length just like you do for WordPress, also, it has no FTP support, many more limitations.


The most powerful content manager is WordPress, it has set a standard, and any other unique product has to rival with it. There are two self hosted of its kind, WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.org provides free platform as well as some features, but the features will be well optimized when you migrate to premium service. WordPress.com does not offer much free plugins and themes.

WordPress.org offers all its facilities as open source, but you have got to pay for hosting provider, you get almost no limitations.

You are able to customize your open source WordPress as you want, the themes and plugins are also offered for free, those are one of those things you miss at Blogger. It is completely friendly with the search engine, as you can also define your custom Meta tags. Server installation will take you less than 5 min.

The cons you experience with self hosted WordPress are that you can't have a full free experience as like the bloggger, you have to buy a domain name and hosting. It’s very complicated for newbie, but the learning is easy for dedicated soul. You need a backup for data base, but you don't have to take it as a big deal.


Above all, I will conclude by saying that, if you want to start a professional blogging site, you have to stick to WordPress, but if you are looking for something not professional, and completely free, Blogger is a wise choice.

One thing I will not like to forget, I heard the blogger site is not completely accepted for flipping, meanwhile, the WordPress site is a real big online real estate.

This is a contribution by Olukunle Moses, he is a blogger at search4mobile.com, and takes his freelance writing so seriously.