Google to force users to use Google+ to Facebook challenge

Currently, Gmail, YouTube or other Google services - including restaurant review site Zagat - account users are set a public Google+ page, anyone can see this page online. Google+ Facebook competitor, one of the most important programs of this initiative is Google recently introduced in order to capture more online advertising revenue. The power from the upper layer of the company. The sources said Google CEO Larry Page (Larry Page) has sought to use more radical measures to allow people to use Google+ service. Google founder Google+, the to prevent Facebook notifications social networking business.
Facebook and Google, the vast majority of revenue from the advertising business. But Facebook has some Google want to get something: Facebook to network activities linked with their real name, and Facebook also know who is the user's friends. Marketing said, Google told them, tightly integrated Google+, Google assets will allow Google to obtain similar information to provide more relevant ads to users.
Google service users have begun to understand this the integration exactly to what extent. Sam (Sam Ford), Ford, a 26-year-old petty officer, said he has been through smart phones registered on Google+ service because Google+ allows him to automatically upload photos to Google+ a private folder. Sam said that he was later surprised the own Google+ page - including its own name - the above also includes a software evaluation he recently wrote in the online store, Google Play.
Google spokesman said the company has begun to require users to use Google+ personal documents to write comments, to improve the quality of the comments. When users to anonymous written comments, the quality of the comments are very low. The spokesman also said that this change also allowed the user's friends to see these reviews. Far, Facebook spokesman did not say whether this story.
Google executives said, the future, the company will further integrate Google+.Google vice president Bradley Horowitz (Bradley Horowitz) Google+ Today Google Google+ entrance there are a number of Google every day in Google+ integration. "
Sources said, these initiatives has been controversial within Google. The some Google believe that this is a practice Google is trying desperately to catch up with Facebook, some other people think, which is associated with Google in the social media era best way. Sources said, about a year ago, Page launched Google Register Google+ account to view merchant reviews the idea. Google executives had to persuade Page not to adopt this strategy, because the worry that this may annoy Google search user. Far, Google spokesman did not say whether this story.
In recent months, Google has been advancing other forms of integration. For example, last fall, Google began requiring Post restaurant or other merchant reviews user must use their Google+ personal page. This rule also applies to the released smartphone application review, and other users of the kind comments.Google+ link while also appeared in the users Google+ account has been established and brand the Google search engine results.
Google for Google+ business vice president the Vic Gangduotela (Vic Gundotra) said Google internal disputes, and now has almost disappeared. He said, "two years ago, had encountered a lot of resistance, because within Google Google+ project is not very understanding."
Integration to help enhance the use of Google+. Google said last month that all sites in Google, Google+ features - such as similar to the Facebook "like" and "+1" button - users has reached 235 million, 150 million higher than the end of June last year. Google+, Google is demonstrating the company's wish to compete with Facebook, become interrelated gateway network users through their own top-level site to assist.
Because Google+ requires users to register their own Google account, Google is seen to be able to obtain the mixed personal data about user search preferences, and frequently visited website. This would have the potential to significantly enhance Google's advertising business. Currently, Motorola mobile phone manufacturing sector, Google does not include annual revenue of more than $ 40 billion. Among these, about 95 percent comes from the advertising business.
Help advertisers buy ads on Google, president of Resolution Media Alan Orsay the said Dirk (Alan Osetek), Google is "sitting on the the data mountain top." When covering information from Google+, the customer clicks on ads growth have emerged. He said, "Most customers ad click rate of growth of 2-15 percent."
The users Google+ personal page usually including the real name of the user, the user is also able to join the Hometown other information. The page will default to open to the public, and can appear in Google search results into. If the user changes the setting, this page will no longer appear in search results. Of course, you can can choose to disable or delete Google+ account.
Google to advertisers and will not provide a user name, but Google said the company uses the user access to network information to more accurately target advertising. Gangduotela said, Google does not provide a single user data to advertisers and the company to maintain user trust is very important.
Google also encourage account holders to use Google+, sharing photos and thoughts with friends and people who have the same interest. Google+ Google other assets integration, allowing users to be able to collect more information on the application, businesses, websites, products, etc.. This is because if friends or other contacts to recommend something, Google+ users can be notified.
Before Google+ product manager Dylan Casey (Dylan Casey) said, "If you search on Google camp stoves, may find that their own friends had just purchased a user can then go to friends to take this matter."
Since mid-2011, Google launched Google+, let the user directly to the time spent on Google+, Google's success is extremely limited. Internet traffic monitoring agency comScore a year ago, is expected the Google+ user monthly time spent on the site an average of only three minutes, lags far behind Facebook's more than 400 minutes. Google+ 28.7 million unique visitors in the United States in October last year, far less than Facebook's 149 million people. These data it has not yet include mobile device users.