Reasons Why Social Media Sends you No Traffic

1. No Interactions

Most of Blogger visit the Bookmarking sites like Digg and Stumbleupon only when they write a new post and there is not much wrong with that. You probably use anything only when you need it. But the problem is that you do not like, comment or even see what others are doing. Hence you never establish a relationship with people in your Niche and also your followers. As a result you never get reasonable amount of traffic and start thinking about Blackhat tricks.

2. Zero or Dummy Followers

Having no followers obviously mean that there is almost no one who is going to see your content hence no traffic. But what does Dummy Followers Mean ? Good Point. The followers that you got by Spam tricks or by use of Following exchange sites are called Dummy Followers. The only reason you followed them was because you wanted them to follow you. That’s it. You never car about what they post. The same case applies to them.

3. Your Ego

Why your Social Bookmarking is useless ? Why it is not working ? Who is the reason ? Digg ? Reddit or Stumbleupon Community ? No. It’s you and your ego. You don’t care what your followers want and what they are submitting. You know what you should do but you don’t because there are feeling in your heart that your content doesn’t need any one’s help. It’s just so good that the whole world would be attracted towards it and that’s what never leads you to hit the main page.

4. Banned

This mostly happens to beginner Bloggers. They completely fail in getting traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites and the reason for that is quite simple. They submit their first ever link and see that a few people visited their site.
So they submit another one and same thing happens. As a result they get the feeling that what happens if they submit all of their posts again and again ? It definitely gives them some traffic at that time but as the time passes, site maintainers caught that person and bane him in such a way that he is allowed to post but his content is not shown to anybody.

5. Irrelevant Content

No matter how great your article is written
, if it’s not matching to the type of Social Bookmarking site, it will not work. For example you submit a prolonged and detailed review of some Technology site or device to Digg, forget about hitting the front page because the site is about News and your content is irrelevant.