Should You Add a Blog Writer to Your Staff?

No one can run a successful business without help. Your employees are what help you make things happen, and they’re valuable assets to your company. If you want a blog to be part of your online marketing strategy (and it should be), you might consider hiring another employee to write for it. Should you? Ask yourself these questions first.

How Much Budget Do You Have to Work with?

The benefits of a well-written and well-maintained blog are great, but hiring a writer of a high enough caliber is not cheap. If you have a very low budget, you may not be able to afford enough value to make it worth it just yet. A blog writer is never something you should get on the cheap, because you get what you pay for. You’d be better off building your own blog, increasing your traffic and profits, and then hiring a writer to take over. If you have a high budget, a blog writer may be a viable option for you.

Does the Idea of Maintaining a Blog Appeal to You?

If you think the idea of maintaining a blog sounds like a painful and cumbersome job, you should probably hire a blog writer. If you dislike blogging, you most likely will not do a good enough job on your own. If you’re excited about the prospect of maintaining a blog – or at least giving it a shot – then see how you can do on your own before you hire someone to help. When you enjoy the blog-writing process, there’s a good chance you’ll produce content that’s just as good as or better than a blog writer.

Do You Know Anything about Content Marketing or SEO?

Your blog isn’t just about good writing. Yes, good writing will help and appeal to readers and show off your expertise. But good writing alone will not drive traffic to your website or gain you readers and customers, which is the main point of your blog after all. You have a healthy amount of knowledge on how content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) work. If you don’t, you should hire a blog writer who does. Make sure, however, that the blog writer you hire is well-versed and experienced in these areas, or you won’t be getting enough for your money.
Are You Comfortable Giving Up Control of the Process?

When you hire a blog writer, there are many different levels of control you can give them. You can assign them specific topics to write each post on, for example, or you could allow them to brainstorm and write ideas all on their own. If you aren’t comfortable giving up any control, and you want to retain close oversight of the writing, editing, and posting process, you should probably just do it on your own. If you can’t trust someone to add great content to your site, what is the point of paying them to do just that? If you spend a lot of time guiding a writer, you’re not even saving any time by having them do it.

Josephine Rey writes about SEO and SEM you can read more of her work here. Josephine also blogs at