Top 5 Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers 2012 Tips

 You want to have that blog that people are constantly checking to see if you’ve updated and that blog that people are telling their friends about your Blog here tips.

1. Picking out a Great Theme
One of the best blogging tips out there is that you need a great theme. You don’t want to have that them that is overly obnoxious, too bright, too boring, or any combination of these factors. The first thing that people see is the theme that you have picked out and if it is something that doesn’t interest people or is too bright, it may scare them away. Be sure that you are taking a look at the theme that you are using and really working to pick out the one that is going to work the best. You need a theme that makes sense, and that matches your blog, and is going to allow people to easily read the site.
2. Creating the Flow of Your Blog

Another important fact with blogging is that you need to know how your blog is going to flow. When I am blogging, I like to incorporate photos and videos, I will also use links to sites that may be related to the topic that I am writing about. I’ll even link to other people’s blogs so that they can get readers to their site and generally they will mention me in a blog down the road. These are all great ways to get what you need and to really create a flow. But, you have to determine how your site is going to flow and what you are going to do before you start writing. It is important to make sure that your blog has that flow to it.
3. Plan Out Topics

You don’t just want to be blogging about random things; your blog needs to have a topic or a subject that you are going to write about. If you are going to be blogging for awhile, plan out your posts. Be sure that you are really sitting down and creating a calendar of what you are going to write about, not only will it make you more likely to actually sit down and blog, but it will also give you the ability to create a blog that people are going to get hooked on because it has topics that they are going to be able to follow.
4. Work on Search Engine Optimization

One of the things that I devote a lot of time to with blogging is the search engine optimization or SEO campaigns that I use. SEO is a great way to attract more people to your site and it can help you get to a level with your blogging where you can potentially make money with it because you are so well know. With an SEO campaign, blogging is a lot easier to get readers drawn into, you are going to have to find ways to really link your site to the search engines, so that when people put in certain keywords, it is going to pull up near the top of the search engine results.
5. Be Consistent

One of the most things that I’ve found with blogging is that you have to be consistent. There are two main reasons for this. First, you are going to find that if you are not consistent, people are not going to visit your website. The more you blog on a consistent basis, the more you are going to get people there, blogging is about consistency. The second reason that you need to be consistent is that you are going to actually do it if you plan it out every day, and this is a great way to get it done. Set aside the time each day that you are going to commit to blogging so that you get a base of blogs built up that people can read.