Biography Facebook video advertising next year

 Facebook will be launched in the first half of next year, the new video ad product, which will be Facebook so far the largest attempt so far trying to get the advertising budget from the hands of the Lord of the TV ads.
The message said, Facebook is fierce controversy, however, has been to reach a consensus on a number of product features. To April next year at the latest, the company will provide opportunities for video advertisers target video to the most users in the desktop version of Facebook and Facebook application in smart phones and tablet PCs Dynamic News (News Feeds) ads.
, Facebook currently tend to broadcast a 15-second video ads - but average for the current commercial advertising time in the 30-second ad agencies, they are not willing to adjust the advertising time. This decision also means that, 15 seconds of video broadcast advertising time and considerable current popular network advertising time.

Auto advertising

The source said that the controversial behavior, you can be sure that the Facebook video advertising will belong to the "auto-play ads, but this is bound to cause the decline of the user experience.
Facebook is currently being discussed, whether broadcast sound or mute the auto-play video ads.
In the desktop version of the site, these video ads may be inserted into the user's dynamic message, the video will commence in the left and right sides of the pages blank position player. But on the mobile client, Facebook is still considering how to broadcast video ads. Facebook are also comments from advertisers.
Own video ads, advertisers will be able to show desktop users to Facebook in talks with advertising agencies, however, Facebook has been highlighting the mobile version of the product, the product demo on the Tablet PC and mobile phone. It is reported that advertisers will be able to annually to one Facebook user on different devices show up to three times the same video ads.
All understand the Facebook new video advertising service, industry executives said that this will be a huge impact Facebook launched a television advertising budget to corporate. Advertising agencies already have a large number of TV commercials, and the hope that more and more of their tentacles extended rose to the Internet. However, in the network, a similar number of ads and TV commercials still extremely limited, which is Hulu the main reason for the high advertising rates.

Self-made services

Facebook video ads, the company will allow rapid access to a large number of advertisers from scratch. Leveraging the scale of Facebook, advertisers can advertise the ratings and demographics in the TV ads.
How wide channels of advertisers running TV commercials on Facebook?Whether just to their Facebook fans, friends of fans or to most Facebook users to advertise? In most cases, only the user or friends "like" advertisers on Facebook brand pages, advertisers video ads will appear in the dynamic message which users or friends.
However, insiders pointed out that advertisers Could video advertising to all Facebook users currently unknown.
Insiders stressed that because the Facebook no hint whether the ads to all users, so the video advertising products attractive to advertisers has been greatly reduced. Facebook video advertising charges is unclear, but the video advertising fee is usually higher than any other form of online advertising.
Currently, insiders Facebook video ads are most worried about the automatic playback function, because this function is usually considered intrusive, sometimes in the video advertising market is considered to be one of the fraudulently. In addition, some industry insiders worry Facebook users soon will be tired of video ads no relationship with themselves and their friends, even if advertisers advertising is adjusted according to the user's personal information. Insiders said, "This will lead to a range of users complain," As of now, Facebook has yet to utter this story.