Facebook Side Effects

Facebook: Everyone's favorite time pass

Facebook side effects are increasing as nowadays facebook has become a second home for people. It is very difficult to find a person who is not having an account on facebook. If you come down to a street and if you try to find a guy or gal without having a facebook account, then i can guarantee you, you cannot find more than one out of 100 people without having an account on it. It is almost become a status in society to have an FB account. If someone asks you about your FB account and when you say no to them, it makes them think that you are not updated with the technology and the latest trends and they are not much interested in you anymore.

Origin of facebook

Mark zuckerberg, who is the inventor of this website and current CEO as well, designed this website for handling the database of the students of his college. As the time passed, it became very popular and mark redesigned this to socializing the students of his college. He implemented this idea and it became very popular among those students of his college. The students of the college started using it because it was very user friendly and they now could now share the pictures and thoughts with each other and this feature increased the level of sharing of the pictures. Soon zuckerberg started his own website officially called "facebook" and this is the website which is running these days successfully or we can say madly on people's mind.


When facebook started in earlier times, people started liking it and when it was launched all over the world, it brought the time of globalization and socializing globally. At first, people started to connect within a campus and now it was the time when people of the world connected through this website. As soon as they connected with each other internationally, people took more interest in socializing with the remote people and getting connected with them.

Nowadays it is the situation where people having account in facebook are staying online 24 hours of the day and they are always connected with all the people in their friends list. Because of this popularity, everybody has stopped going outside and meet people and rather they prefer to stay at home and accomplish tasks just sitting at home. As they can talk to their friends even by sitting at home over the facebook. Because of this they are restricting their environment and their reach to the people. They have rather stopped socializing face to face and started doing it online. Because of this people are being lonely and started feeling helpless without the internet and electricity. They have started gaining depression as they are becoming lonely day by day. All and all we can say that there are facebook side effects as well as some benefits of it.

About Publisher :\

This article is written by Rathore Jane. The company Giftblooms is offering various products on Flower for celebration of Christmas.