Google CEO Larry Page Interview

 Larry Page has just accepted an exclusive interview with Fortune. This is the second time since 2011 as CEO, he accept lengthy interview with print media on such a scale. Shy in front of the media this eloquent and involved a wide range of topics to discuss to mobile computing, search Google's future relationship with Apple, Motorola integration and knowledge management and other topics , we compiled as follows for your reference.

Google's The Road Ahead

Larry said that the future is still an unknown, no history can learn from. Google is trying a lot of things, you want to become a different company. He also hopes to add more social component to doing. Google wants everyone to like Google's products, and also hope that the staff will be happy to work in this.
Choose what to do. Google's goal is to do to inspire the best in the world is willing to engage in things.

Automatic vehicle

Automatic car can bring change? He believes that the automatic vehicle will not only traffic contribute to, and can also provide more choices. This is beneficial to society and the economy. Technology can play a huge impact on the big things is Google looking. Compared for return put more of such things not follow. Such as automatic car parking problems can be solved. Larry Page think too much of the construction cost of parking, with the automatic car, even if only a proportion can save a huge parking lot construction costs (alone Google will be able to save hundreds of millions of dollars). Automatic vehicle can provide a great convenience, you go there are shuttle the rest of the things are not you tube.
Changes in management style
Larry served as CEO at the beginning of a big change around products sector to restructure the company.Although never satisfied with the creed of Larry, but he made this change results are very pleased. He believes that this change to enhance the company's focus, which is helpful. As to whether reorganization is to improve the implementation of efficiency, Larry has improved a lot, but it is difficult to measure precisely.

The development direction for the search

Larry said that the perfect search engine should be able to really understand the needs of users, and should be in-depth understanding of all the world, and then return to the things you want accurate.
Google do shopping things to this point. Google turned to shopping auction model, in order to ensure access to better information to construct shopping. Google has devoted a lot of effort to obtain accurate information and structured data. Google Maps has done for seven years, a large part of its purpose in order to obtain exact data such as streets, enterprises, buildings contours of class. The higher the degree of precision, the details of the more detailed data the more structured, the better. This is Google's acquisition of ITA reasons: in order to ensure access to the the more structured Travel information.

Mobile and monetization

Google is a big company income, a lot of people. To attach great importance to the core business of search and advertising. Larry think these two are going through subversion, and this kind of subversion is also a good thing. This is the technology benefits, technology is always able to make better than the old things, new things, new software. This is an opportunity. Then Google took an early Bao pressure in the Android body that need to reflect the mobile experience, the fact that this step Google go very successful. As for monetization, Larry currently is still at an early stage. At the same time, he believes phone positioning is very helpful for monetization.
Larry said that mobile can do a lot of previously can not do something, to have these things Google will be able to more than now to make money. He believes that no one can match Google change and innovation in the mobile advertising and monetization. Google has now that everything is ready only a strong wind.

Google search future competitors

The desktop era Google's competitors Yahoo and Microsoft. Asked now rival Siri or Amazon (Business Search prime), Larry said he does not think so.
He said that the competition have to consider. Own work so that we do not consider those competitive. Larry think we tend to think of something that already exists, Google's work is to think that we have not yet thought but the things they need. Is the so-called State of the weapon can not show people, therefore, if its competitors also understand that, nor will their own housekeeping skills displayed. Google is only the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities vary with others.

Relationship with Apple

How to look at the competition in three different business models of Google, Apple and Amazon? Larry said he was ashamed to look at the competition in such a way. The reason why large companies because they do great things. From the user's point of view, he would like to see more cooperation. The Internet is the University of invention, its design purpose is to interoperable. But with the commercialization of the Internet, more and more siled solutions for the user feel ashamed (not in the mapping Apple's closed system?)
In view of this, "Fortune said Apple both partners and competitors. Larry and Steve Jobs mutually friendly.Larry's answer is: Sometimes.
When asked about the Android camp cosmetic and do not, Larry says this argument is not fully expressed anger. Apple this way, he will not go to unite the company. He said that Man to look at the other side do not see each other do.
Apple is a large distribution partner for some of the services Google, how to look at the relationship between the two? Larry says everyone is peaceful coexistence of course better, so that users will not be because of the activities of the others suffer. This is Google trying to lead by example, and try to make their products as much as possible to promote to various places. This is Google's philosophy. However, he believes that, sometimes Google can do this, but sometimes not.
As for whether Google negotiated settlement with Apple on these issues, Larry just said has a great search partnership with Apple, Google, things have been talking about.


Google has been in accordance with the pattern of the so-called 70-20-10 organizations, that is, 70% of the energy into the search and advertising, 20% into the app, and the remaining 10% into new projects. This model still continues. Larry current Google are in a unique historical position, some in 20% of the things are moving in the 70% development. Android now influence 70 camp, but is still at an early stage. Monetization. On the issue of 20 camps which when Larry said it depends on how to measure, and so he was unable to cite specific examples. 10 camp is relatively clear, the Google X the (automatically automotive, Project Glass) is certainly in his column.
Larry then talked about the concerns of the investors in the 10 camps. He felt that it was interesting. Investors always say, "Oh, my God, they want all the money to hit the automatic car," his own efforts in any case can not let that 10% becomes larger, it is very difficult because people were persuaded to believe those truly ambitious things. People tend to be easier to accept incremental improvements. This is the so-called comfort zone.


Then Larry talked about Google+. He acknowledged that this is a big bet. Asked to do Google+ to 18 kinds after Google tried to compete with Facebook or a unified user identity, Larry said, a good way to share the use of Google's products is very important to all Google products different way to share, finally successful on Google+ Now Google continues to make improvements to it.
The interview also mentioned the the Google+ early implanted into the search services are questioned. That some people think that contrary to Google will always provide the best search results just promises.
Larry's answer is to create a stunning product is Google's long-term concern of the target. And to do that you need to understand a lot of things, including the app, you can buy the stuff, flights. Google needs to understand what the user wants to search. Of course we want to go to one of the important things to search.Google regarded as the paramount object of the search. But want good search results on the data accumulated. You can not just released will be able to provide the best results. Accumulated the best way to interact with Google+ mentioning
For their own identity to it, so that it is the user's work. For Larry, he thinks there are no problems, and proposed that such questioning is shortsighted. He re-emphasized to meet the information needs of the user need to understand and master all the necessary things importance. And certainly also need to understand the ranks.

Competitors questioned

Many of Google's competitors have talked about how Google is the expense of sacrificing them to show Google's services. Larry think we should look at it this way, customers are the end users of Google's. We all want to get the information, get honest, accurate, reasonable ranking information. This is one of Google's work.Other companies are also doing all kinds of work, some of the work is the same thing with Google. Google to do more comprehensive. He vacation planning as examples to illustrate. He said that if there is a system that can help with holiday planning course is the best. The system should be able to know your preferences, Weather, ticket prices, hotel prices also should know and understand the logistics situation, and these things blend together. This is the view of the Google search. Just do this thing inside part of the so-called competitors.
He also mentioned Google for people's data as far as possible not exclusive. Google search results which contains the results of the various search engines as well as travel providers. He said that Google try to do these things well presented. Google's strengths in collaboration with everyone on, but must also ensure that the end-user experience and provide detailed information. Sometimes these things will be very complicated.

Google Wallet

The Google Wallet progress seems to be a bit slow. This is mainly for technical reasons or ecological system problems? Larry does not agree with the say Google Wallet slow progress. He said that if allowed Google Wallet will be more popular. He expressed the hope that the industry have more cooperation in this regard.
In addition Google, there are other good way to pay. Google has a lot of small advertisers. Android Google Play can also accept payment without geographical connection (wired and wireless), and the limitations of the recipient (such as carrier billing). Google's ability in this regard may have been a misunderstanding.


Motorola has some good products, but no one appeared in Google's own brand Nexus product line. Google will co-production with the Motorola equipment? If so what time to start doing? While Google is committed to ensure the neutrality of the other Android partners will feel afraid?
Larry denied the possibility that Google released Nexus Motorola equipment. Google mastered Motorola long enough. For when determining the issue of co-production equipment, Larry does not have a clear answer. Only in broad terms the nature of this thing. He said things should look at it this way, Google consider how to best cost-effective, highest quality amazing products are submitted to the hands of most users. Google is business, Android is also true. 
Nexus Android best foot forward, allowing the programmer to early development, and a bunch of important things done mainly want to consider doing. What to do, what equipment, what to do, how to release software, and so on, all things change.

Larry emphasized that Google every moment will not be considered to help partners, and how to choose the right route, and how to make a stunning innovative equipment, how to publish, how this innovation into the ecosystem, to the masses, and how to make the partner pleased that Google has to consider. And Larry think so far all Google is doing pretty well.


As CEO Larry course a day to spend more time on the management of the day-to-day affairs. But he thinks this is a good thing, and Sergey, Eric (Schmidt), as well as members of the Board, including help. Especially Schmidt that he gained a lot. Now management has been relatively smooth.
To do new things, explore new areas, changes need to be made, Larry will ensure that the right team, the right candidate in place. Then let them do it. Important to know what should be done effectively.
Larry is now more concerned about the overall structural problems. What happens after Google5 years? Do anything now? Who is doing? How do I organize? Hand who? He said some of these questions have already been answered, but the important thing is how to make this technology the company continued to expand its influence, and continuously improve ambition. Google now has a considerable size, but he could not find any reason that Google can not become larger, more influential. He already has a lot of ideas to achieve this need to do now is to date has been into the slowly expanding scale. Shareholders, but also for the user to create value is to his work.

CEO how long we need to do?

Larry did not give an answer. But as long as Google is even better, greater things influence him with enthusiasm.
He said that Google now just want to be that 1% of Google's. He has a very strong sense of responsibility to drive the company forward. He must strive to make Google become the subject of case studies, Google's ambition to continue to thrive, big enough to have a positive change in the world and technology. He felt strongly that Google and its ultimate goal is still far away.
SOURCE: 36kr.

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I’m Nadeem Ahmedani a Engineering student as well as part time blogger. I am from Karachi (Pakistan) .I am very very interested in blogging and self employment.i am working hard to promote my blog . Join Me On FaceBook , And Also My Website MybloggerTrciks