Window Phone does not currently support Google Maps

Google has address this issue formally published a statement, it said: "Google Maps mobile network is optimized for Chrome and Safari WebKit browser, the IE browser is not a WebKit browser, so Windows Phone devices not have access to the mobile network version of Google Maps.
Window Phone does not currently support Google Maps
Google did not provide native applications for the Windows Phone platform.According to the current situation, it does not seem eager to support Windows Phone platform by application or web page. In other words, Windows Phone users can only use Bing Maps.
But the situation is not very bad, because Bing Maps functionality can be powerful. The test found in many areas of the United States, will be the performance of the map is not worse than Google Maps.
Google Maps does not support the Windows Phone platform may just be a decision on the allocation of resources, or to reflect the deterioration of the relationship between the two companies.
The federal government on the Google search results ranking conducted the survey, Microsoft contribute a lot, it accused Google seal kill the Windows Phone platform-oriented full-featured YouTube; recently, the Federal Trade Commission announced that Google reached a reconciliation, Microsoft and open ground regrets the decision of the Commission.
This shows that the relationship between Microsoft and Google is already quite bad.