Windows 8 Start menu features five applications recommended

However, some users complained that the "Start" button, there is no "Start" menu, only (full-screen Metro style) "Start" screen; others complained that immediately after you log in, Win 8 shows "start Win 8 screen, rather than like previous Windows versions as the desktop. You want to enter to the desktop, must first click on a button. This strangeness to the people to use Win 8 UI has caused some problems, but there are also some third-party applications can provide you with the "Start" menu and let you directly into the desktop after logging.
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

In these applications, the part is new, developers inspired by Win 8 "shortcomings" before launching them - the Stardock Start8, StartIsBack and RetroUI fall into this category. Another part of the old and the new version of the application. The initial version of the Classic Shell can help you to restore Windows XP, Windows Vista and Win 7 Start menu, it launched and Win 8 specific features. Pokki also added in its latest version replaces the function of the "start" screen.
If you can not stand no start menu and start button Win 8, or just not used to the new user interface, these applications can help you busy.


Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Looks very much like with Win 7
StartIsBack can provide you authentic "Start" experience, it's the "start" button and the menu looks with Win 7 of exactly the same. The developers said you Win 8 do not see the "Start" menu, but for backward compatibility, Microsoft had to retain the "Start" menu code. StartIsBack these hidden features, you are familiar with the Windows "Start" menu experience. It is not only quite similar to the shape (when the mouse cursor hovers over the "Start" button, there will be glowing effect), and the same, for example, it can highlight newly installed applications.
Options and settings are authentic feel, different layout but options.
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

StartIsBack the traditional Win 7 Start menu settings on a window
And you can use StartIsBack manipulate certain Win 8 features. For those who want to Win 8 Win 7 users who become directly log on to the desktop is the most important, StartIsBack also provides this option. In addition, StartIsBack disable the hot zone (hot corner). If you wish, you can still access the "Start" screen, you can also be the "start" delete all desktop applications on the screen, making it become the exclusive territory of the Metro-style applications.
It is also integrated into some Metro. Press Win + F key, for example, you can open the new Metro Search screen, instead of Explorer search window. In any case, the experience it offers is still the closest with Win 7.
The article describes all applications, more or less with the Metro elements. If you can not stand to see any Metro elements on the computer, then these applications, you do not have access.
Starts of StartIsBack is $ 3 per computer , a free 30-day trial period.It does not require administrator privileges to install. Additional process StartIsBack not new runtime, but rather load an additional DLL Explorer process, anyway, Windows Explorer process has been also running.


Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Start8 equally well reproduce the Win7 Start Menu
The Stardock's Start8 near-accurate clone Win7 Start menu. Internal applications, I do not understand very deeply, but from its look and feel, it uses the same technology with StartIsBack. That is, it comes with Windows residual "Start" menu code provides an authentic look, full-featured "Start" menu. However, there are some subtle differences between the two: Start8 contains a special "start" menu item to open the "Start" screen, and it shut down menu is a little fault, but other than that, it is almost identical with StartIsBack .
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

The shutdown menu Start8 a little wrong, the bottom of the blank part. Surprising, almost identical with Start8, StartIsBack did not have this problem
The like StartIsBack, Start8 can also disable the hot zone, boot directly to the desktop. But it is a function of a StartIsBack not: Start8 can display the menu of a Windows 8 style, instead of the ordinary "Start" menu. The Start screen on the desktop on a borderless window. The screen retains all the functionality, such as "set" super button will appear when you right-click on the application bar. However, it is just a small part of the screen, rather than the entire screen. In fact, this feature has little attraction for me.
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Start8 let you see the start screen with window. If the "Start" screen is designed for portrait mode, the effect may be very good. But it is not, so the effect is not good
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Start8 settings screen
Start8 priced at $ 4.99 each computer . I really do not see what the price attractive. If you want to use Win 7 Start menu, spend less money StartIsBack can be done. Start8 specific desktop "Start" screen menu and do not have much value.
And installation Start8 also inconvenient. You need to have administrator privileges to install, and you need to create a system service. On someone else's machine (for example, you want to use it to install Win 8 computer in the company's "Start" menu) does not take it.

Classic Shell

Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Classic Shell "pseudo" Win 7 menu
Win 7 start menu does not suit your taste, you can try the Classic Shell. It can provide you with the Windows 2000 and Windows XP-style menu, of course, it also has a taste of the menu in Windows Vista / Win 7. Unlike StartIsBack as Windows comes with the code to create the menu, Classic Shell personally completed the drawing and layout work. Therefore, it is the menu option looks quite authentic. Once you can identify out it is counterfeit goods.
Help! I've got Windows 8 and I miss my Start menu!

Classic Shell the best place is to provide Windows 2000-style menu, many do not know this user
I think this application is very so, feel and appearance of something not on taste. I prefer this application to achieve their own concept, not bad cottage concept of others.
Install Classic Shell is also very inconvenient. From the technical aspects, as an ordinary application runtime, its effect is good, does not require administrator privileges such things. However, just like Start8, installation requires administrator privileges in this program, and to create a system service. Allegedly this is necessary, can guarantee the Classic Shell Quick Start, and the right to directly boot to the desktop (rather than "start" screen). But StartIsBack the existence of the "necessary" argument completely bankrupt because StartIsBack do not have to create a system service, you can be started directly to your desktop.
Classic Shell is a free, open source. If you want to use Win 7 as the Start menu, do not consider the Classic Shell, StartIsBack, and Start8 of effect is much better than it is. But if you really want to use the Windows XP Start menu, Classic Shell may be your best choice.


Windows8 menu features five applications recommended

The Pokki the menu has its own unique look and style. I think it's pretty good, though not much like Windows
Compared to, Pokki and RetroUI method with the first few applications are very different. Although they provide a menu of desktop systems, but the look and feel they do not have to imitate the traditional "Start" menu. The two applications are in the lower left of the screen provides a button, this button opens a menu-style application launcher, however Pokki and RetroUI in the appearance and functionality differ.
Pokki launched in 2011, it is an application market, but also the application launcher.Basically, Pokki application is a Web application written using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Pokki embedded the Chromium core components to display and run these applications.
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended

The Pokki the Start menu in some people associate to Win 7 menu
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended

The Pokki application store layout is very beautiful
In fact, before the advent of Win 8, Pokki began offering such things in the menu as a starter. With the release of Win 8 SweetLabs (launch of the Pokki the company) decided to launch alternative "Start" menu, and expand its startup function. Addition to Pokki application, Pokki now can start ordinary desktop application Metro applications and control panel applet. And it is like Start8 and StartIsBack can also do some specific Win 8 set, for example, it can disable the hot zone, directly boot to the desktop, the Windows key display the Pokki rather than the "Start" screen.
Pokki did not try to imitate any particular version of Windows "Start" menu.Technically, it lacks many of the features of the real Win 7 Start menu (for example, the search function does not seem to use the search index, you can not right-click Computer Management to start), but this did not problems. It's just a simple menu-based application launcher, the effect is still very good.
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended

Pokki an "application." "Angry birds" for Chrome is actually slightly re-packaged. You can use Google account to log on
The Pokki HTML-based application that looks interesting and novel, it combined function to the the Site Pinning (fixed site) IE and Chrome notification feature to. I think the concept is very good, but I do not use it.
Pokki is free.


Windows8 menu features five applications recommended
RetroUI one of the biggest weaknesses: its menu unattractive
RetroUI is the most interesting of these applications, but also the most frustrating.Like several other applications, RetroUI committed to provide users with a sense of familiarity, menu-driven application launcher. But it is also trying to make Metro applications to participate in the desktop workflow, the hidden Win 8 user interface features easier to use.
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended
The taskbar button RetroUI Another effect
RetroUI also supports direct boot to the desktop "and" disable hot zone "function, but it does not stop there. RetroUI has a patent-pending feature called "enforcement" (Enforce), to reconcile Metro applications with desktop applications. Use "enforceable" Start screen does not overwrite on the taskbar, Metro application (Generally resizable) in a desktop window. They can overlap, multi-tasking, in theory, can coexist with ordinary desktop applications, but they did not seem to own taskbar button, if there is enough.
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended
Metro news application running in a window, next to a regular Windows application
Although I liked the idea behind the "enforcement", but it's not ideal. This system can really run, but I found it some small problems, so the whole, it is not so useful.
But also aesthetic problems. RetroUI starter does not meet my taste, it does not use Win 8 style, nor even Win 7 Aero style, so it looks very coordinated with the rest of Win 8, make you feel where the wrong child.
Windows8 menu features five applications recommended
RetroUI settings screen
Overall's ambition of RetroUI exceeds its strength. If it can solve some small problems I found, RetroUI Win 8 interface will greatly improve. But I think, RetroUI may never realize it expects to achieve.
RetroUI price is $ 4.95 per computer . With Start8 and Classic Shell, you must have administrator privileges to install it, and it will create a system service.


I spent a few weeks time, try each one of these applications. Personally, I would not use any one of them. However, if you are very eager to use the "Start" menu, I recommend StartIsBack; saying the same because Start8 works, the price was more expensive; Classic Shell too cottage, unless you want to use the Windows 2000 Start menu, do not use it .Pokki and RetroUI has some interesting features, however, instead of learning a new user interface, not as direct learning Win 8 user interface will be better.