iPhone 5 launched in London Fans blocked London Street

iphone5 is not the name but the brand sentiments for people and this can be seen by the fact that 1000 of people in London blocked the roads before the launch of iphone5.

What added Features in iphone5?

The iPhone 5 has a larger display than its previous version, included 4G LTE assistance and new eight pin connector “Lightning”. Inside the iphone5, customers will find a A6 processor that makes it twice as fast as the iPhone 4S, along with twice as much RAM. The new eight mega-pixel camera can catch 1080p high-definition video and take images at the same time, while the improved 720p front experiencing camera will enhance Face Time interactions.

What iphone5 lack behind?

The new smart phone does not have NFC assistance, and it has missing its local YouTube and Google Maps. Instead, the apple company has come up with their own routing software, which so far has did not make an impression on.

People reaction in London for iphone5?

You can understand the excitement of people that Apple store was not opened but the people in London that much excited for the product and then don’t want the product to finish that why they around 1,000 of people are waiting since midnight in line. Not only people but many Advertiser also promoting their product and they have started promotions of their product since 14 near Apple stores you cannot call this as Gadget launch you just describe the whole scenario in one word "iphone5 Festival".
What i say about the people madness about iphone5 in London?
What is exciting is not the number of individuals around the World who are waiting for iphone5 . But that the attitude of these individuals that have to put the rest of their life on keep for a device? I call them lovers because they act like lovers. I prefer the apple company for marketing methods that make such excitement. But adverse represents for individuals who are as superficial in lifestyle as to put such focus on a item. I have several apple company products in my lifestyle. But i never done such a thing and i never feel such a passion for any product.

How Apple store handling the crowd in Apple store in London?

The apple company store employees wearing Blue T-shirts and made a passage for clients and high-fived clients who had been holding out outside the shop for up to a week.

What you say about the Freakiness of the people about iphone5?
This is all what i wants to say about my article iPhone 5 launched in London Fans blocked London Street. Do you feel that this is a Fantasy of people is created due to hype created by Apple or it is their Love for iphone5.come up with your comment.

Author Bio :

This is a guest post written by Vivek Mishra who blogs at Technology blog(http://www.thetechface.com/auto-locksmith) and Entertainment Blog(http://www.youthface.in/2012/06/samsung-galaxy-note-2-samsung-galaxy.html).