Step by step guide to promoting a new website and gaining traffic

People who aren’t still aware of the search engine optimization techniques are busy assuming that putting a website online will make online visitors find you naturally. But this is the biggest myth that can become an obstacle to your business’ growth. There are thousands of websites on the web and if you wish to be seen among all of them, you have to either promote your website or concentrate on optimizing your website to boost its traffic. If you’re new to this online world, here are some steps that you might follow if you wish to promote your new business website.

  • Bookmark any page of your website at Digg: The first thing that you can do to promote your website online is to bookmark any page of your website in Digg or Propeller as this will have your webpage indexed by Google in a very short span of time. However, make sure that you don’t bookmark more than one page and if you own multiple website that have a similar look, you should always create different accounts to bookmark them lest your account is suspended by the search engines like Google.

  • Keep writing articles and post them in directories: If you want to promote your website, you should submit articles to article directories like Ezinearticles, ArticleDashboard, GoArticles or Buzzle. This will enable you to get a number of back links as 5 article submissions have the capacity to give you 100-200 back links.

  • Submit the URL of the website in link directories: Although there are discussions which say that submitting the website in link directories doesn’t help, but this isn’t always true. The number of links that are there in your website will always count and if you make a link search for some of the high PR websites, you might find some of them from the link directories. If you’re someone who believes that each and every link in your website will help you enhance your search engine ranking, you should submit your website in the link directories.

  • Set up link exchange: Are you familiar with the 3-way link? Well, this is one of the most favorite tools that are used by the webmasters to promote their websites. If you’re a newbie, 3-way link exchange may become a bit too expensive for you but you can certainly start off with it when you have at least 10-20 websites of your own. However, with this you can certainly promote your website.

Therefore, when you’re done with website designing of your business website, you should take the above mentioned steps to promote it. Unless you take such steps, your website won’t be found by the online visitors and therefore you can’t make enough profits. Follow them to set profits rolling and build your reputation in this field.