10 Best android Apps for College Students

Here is a list of ten apps that will make a college students life a little easier.

1 - Study Buddy 

This allows you to figure out how distracted you become and how much time it is costing you. For just 99c it is really worth the money. It shows you just how many hours you are burning each month in order to answer phone calls, change songs or go to the bathroom. It is very good at helping you improve your focus.

2 - iStudiezPro

This is a time management app, which will help you keep track of when your classes are. You can also set it so that it tells you when your exams are, or when your coursework needs to be handed in. You can also keep track of your grades, and set alarms to go off months from when you set it.

3 - Amazon Student

If you are buying textbooks, you can photograph the barcode and this app will search all online sources, and find you the cheapest copy on its database. The app is free so there is little harm in giving it a try.

4 - Alarm Clock Xtreme 

This is an adjustable alarm clock. It lets you set it in a way that suits you. It can wake up with a non-stop loud noise. It can wake you up gradually, or it can wake you up in shifts (waves if you will). You can adjust the snooze button and even have it ask you questions (such as math questions) before it lets you turn it off. It is pretty Xtreme.

5 - Textalyzer

If you are the type of person who may just text their professor after having a few beers then this is the app for you. You put all of your potential incident numbers on a forbidden list, e.g. your professors, your mother in law, your girlfriend’s hot sister who gave you the eye last time you saw her, and when you want to call or text them it will put you through a few memory and concentration tests. If you fail the tests, it will lock you out for a few hours until you sober up.

7 - Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus

As the name suggests it is a dictionary and thesaurus app, which is handy to have around. It is better than the one that comes with your writing apps and better than trying to Google the word. It has over 200,000 words in the dictionary and over 300,000 synonyms.

8 - Droid Scan 

This is an app that targets documents when you photograph them. It corrects itself for the best focus so that when you take a picture of a page in a book or of someone else’s answers, you can see them very clearly on your mobile device. As you may expect you can save, organize and export them at your leisure.

9 - Studious 

You enter your homework and coursework details into this app, and it will help you to keep track of what needs to be done and when it’s due. You can even set it so that it reminds you when you need to hand something in. You can also set it to remind you when your tests are, and when you should be at which class.

10 - Virt U: The Virtual University 

You can watch your lectures from your mobile device. This app will let you download some of the lectures that are held at come of Americas biggest education institutions. You can download the lectures that are relevant to your course, or download others in the name of research or simple curiosity.

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