5 Things Tablets Offer that Laptops Don't

This article covers five things that a tablet device offers that very few laptops are able to offer. 

1 - Portability

Tablets are more portable than laptops are. Sure you can pop your laptop into your carry case and take it anywhere, but it is easier to take a tablet. For a tablet you do not need to take a power pack or software discs, etc. 

Due to its smaller size and weight, it is easier to conceal on your person, and is less likely to be knocked around during transport, such as when you are on a busy tube or bus. A tablet is also more shockproof than a laptop, so that any knocks your tablet does take will be less likely to damage it permanently.

2 - Quicker

A tablet is quicker at doing what it does. It is quicker to turn on and quicker to open software applications. A laptop holds far bigger software applications and therefore it takes longer for the applications to load. 

Turning on a tablet can also be made even quicker through the use of a pin locked screen. This means you can leave it on all day. If you were to leave your laptop on standby all day, it would be far more likely to be low on power by the end of the day.

3 - Less expensive

A good tablet device is far cheaper than a good laptop. A tablet has plenty of apps so that people are able to do many things with their tablet, plus people are able to purchase more apps. 

This means that if a person only uses their laptop for a limited number of reasons, there is a good chance they may find those very same functions on a tablet device. Therefore (if that is the case) a tablet may be a better alternative to a laptop, given the fact that it is cheaper. 

This also means that replacing a tablet is less expensive than replacing a laptop. You may therefore be tempted to save money on insurance and not insure your tablet, where as you would be foolish not to insure your laptop.

4 - Less power

A tablet uses less power and so needs to be charged less often than a laptop. This also makes a tablet even more portable, since you can carry it around all day without having to stop to recharge it. The fact it uses less power also means that it costs you less money to charge it up, and means that you can use it for a lot longer without any reduced functionality. In this respect--a tablet is better than a laptop.

5 - Software is often cheaper

When you buy software for a laptop, it is often more expensive than the software for a tablet. This is because software for a laptop is often bigger, more advanced and more comprehensive. Tablet software tends to come in applications (apps) which are less comprehensive, less advanced and is smaller. 

On the plus side, this means that tablet apps are far cheaper than software for a laptop. On a comparative sliding scale, tablet apps would actually win out on any price comparison test. For example if a tablet app were compared to laptop software, you may find that the app is only 10% complex, advanced and comprehensive than the laptop software. 

In that case, the software may cost $70. So naturally you would expect its cousin (the tablet app) to cost $7 (because that is 10% of $70), but in most cases you will find that that app costs between $4 - $20. So if you compare them in this sense, you see that tablet apps are considerably cheaper than laptop software.

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My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web-site www.mightystudents.com. We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.