Best All in One Social Tools for Mobile

With so many social streams to check, the average person spends a considerable amount of time checking Facebook, Twitter and the myriad other platforms used. Whether you check your updates from your phone or tablet, there is no doubt that social media manager apps offer the best way to enjoy an ‘all in one’ approach. 

Rather than going from Twitter app to Facebook, then LinkedIn back to Twitter, these tools keep your mentions, comments, updates and conversations in one stream. This makes it far easier to check up on your profiles, without the hassle of going back and forth to each stand-alone app. 

Android Apps to Manage Your Social Feeds

  • You may use social for fun or for work, but however you use it, finding a smart, simple way to track your streams is the way forward. Have a look at some of these handy social media managers to get your social profiles more organised. 
  • Seesmic – starting out as a social video aggregator, Seesmic has become one of the most popular social media managers for just about every device and platform. This tool allows you to integrate your Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and other social streams, with a host of plugins for the desktop version. This makes for smooth computer to phone transition too. 
  • HootSuite – another popular tool for those wanting to keep tabs on their various social streams, HootSuite has a clean, easy to use interface along with a host of other cool features. Those using a social manager for work will benefit most from this tool, which supports up to five different social accounts with ease, while also providing tracking and other features. 
  • Tweet Deck – with a multi column layout, this tool has expanded to integrate Facebook and Twitter mentions, as well as LinkedIn, G+ and other streams. You can control your lists and streams easily from the interface, while also updating your layouts and settings across your social channels. Along with cross-network updates and monitoring, TweetDeck also supports scheduled updates.
For the most part, there are many good cross-network tools available on the Play Store at no cost. If you need to use your tool for work however, it is worth looking into full paid versions to get even more features. At the end of the day, anything that makes life easier will always be great to have – and with so many apps popping up that do just that, your Android will help keep things simpler in no time at all. 

Author Bio

Darren Jones writes for SMARTLab and offers tips and advice on mobile gadgets like the latest smart phones & tablets. From mobile phone sales & Blackberry , Samsung, & iPhone repairs to the latest and greatest in apps for just about anything.