Either we like it or not Facebook has become a lifestyle today. Post something on your wall, and it tells hundreds of friends and the whole world in a split second. Post something that catches attention and interesting to click, then your network of friends will see and share it to their friends.

Let’s say you have the average network size of 300 friends, these 300 could have also 300 and some up to 1,000 friends.  Either a regular account or a page can have its marketing materials flowing all day on Facebook. So, what are the useful Facebook Marketing Apps that your business can enjoy? Here there is our short list.

Slide Share

This application allows you to upload and share your presentations, keynote, or PDF to be viewed by other users. Its virtually training your customers or your staff with a new product, and works just as effective external and internal marketing media.

Social RSS

You can create a tab specially dedicated for your blogs, this will lead users to your blog sites and is a great way to promote it to your network of friends.

My Profile Box 

This one is also known as My Info, is a custom tab on Facebook that suits best for business pages.  Being the administrator, it allows you to control your profiles, and pages altogether at the same time.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is one of the awesome marketing applications online that holds traditional ads and Sponsored Stories. Create an ad on Facebook and reach the right target market. Here you can choose the age bracket, location, and interests of the users that you wanted to reach.
It means to say, that the eyeballs that had seen your ads on Facebook are not the so-so user that wont spark an interest to you ads. Since your target audience is already specified, your ad can never go loose in the wilderness. These ads require user action to trigger them. One they are triggered or clicked they get to see your website of your Facebook page.

Landing Tab

Get your customers to like your page from your landing tab, provide the content as exciting and worth sharing, then your friends will definitely spread the news without being told. Encouraging your friends and fans to share your posts will drive traffic to your page and give you potential new sets of fans.

There could be more Applications on its way, and there could be millions more users coming their way to Facebook. There have been few attempts of marketing apps in Facebook, some disappeared but these stayed for quite some time
However, the videos, photos, and status message you post on Facebook are already marketing for yourself, or your business. The “Like” button makes all of these applications and your posts rock the business world. Facebook is a free social networking platform with millions of users in it, who will not utilize it for business?  

Written by Sonia Jackson. Welcome to my web-site