Online Management Tools For Your Social Media Strategies

There’s no doubt about it – social media is taking everyone by the storm these days. Humans by nature have a constant need to belong to a society thus, making social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. very popular among people of all walks of life.

Aside from social purposes people also embraced social media for promoting their business, website or blog. When websites or blogs should already be enough to give a presence in the online world, social media are employed by the website or blog owner due to its amazing potential in getting visitors.

But in managing different social media accounts for marketing purposes, a lot of time and effort will definitely employed inmaking posts, uploading photos and videos, tagging friends, responding to comments, etc. Fortunately, we can avail of these social media management tools to assist our social media efforts:

·         HootSuite – HootSuite is among the social media management tools that continue to stand out amidst the growing competition. It does an amazing job of facilitating all the social media efforts with the popular social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Pages, Foursquare, Myspace, etc. There are already news that Pinterest will soon be integrated in HootSuite’s app directory.

·         Sprout Social – Sprout Social is another option in managing several social media accounts. In addition to the communication tools, Sprout Social also offers contact management, lead generation, competitive insight, analytics, reporting, etc.

·         Sysomos – Aside from managing your social media efforts, it is also important to measure the social media ROI. Sysomos is among the best social media ROI monitoring today and this can be attributed to its easy to understand interface, social media analytics and data history. Other key features are customizable dashboard, metrics measurement, key influencers, geography and demographics.

·         Edgerank Checker – This tool helps the account owner maximize their exposure in Facebook with user friendly metrics that makes use of three variables namely, affinity, weight and time decay.

·         Tweepi – For being among the most utilized social media, it makes sense to give attention to one’s Twitter account. Tweepi is the best online tool for that which helps manage the account by flushing the unfollowers, cleaning up the inactives, forcing a follower to unfollow and follow new tweeps.

·         Tweetspinner – Still in relation to Twitter, Tweetspinner increases the account owner’s productivity by scheduling rotation of Twitter profiles and designs, de-spamming and archiving the DM inbox, and helping find more receptive followers.

  Alerti   Alerti helps the account owner be aware of what is being said about his product, service, website or blog in the internet. It acts like a search engine that looks through different types of analytical tools and measures engagement of the user’s communities so he can interact with them.

  Final Words

Social media can certainly do great things in promoting one’s business, website or blog. With these social media management tools coupled with other essentials in social media management such as a fast PC or laptop and a high speed internet, it should be easy achieve success in social media marketing.

      About the author: 

      This article is written by Mara B., an enthusiast of things related to the online world such as social media, high speed internet, mobile broadband and business broadband. For great internet deals, readers can go to