Disadvantages of Buying Backlinks

If you did not know already--buying backlinks is considered Black Hat SEO by the search engines. It is a way of manipulating your search engine results page ranking. The likes of Google have clamped down on this, so that anyone who is found to be buying or selling links is punished. The trouble is that it is harder to punish the people who are selling the backlinks, because they are often not listed on the Google search results anyway. This means there is nothing that the search engines can do to against the sellers of backlinks, but there is plenty that they can do to people who buy the backlinks, including banning them from ever appearing on their search engines again. 

The backlink merchants are being monitored by the search engines

The search engines are watching them be cannot do anything about them. They are already not listed on their search engines, and because they are not breaking the law, there is nothing that the search engines can do. They can monitor the traffic on their sites and find out who is buying from them. They are able to punish the people who buy from link merchants, because buying links is just as naughty as selling them in the eyes of Google.

Purchased backlinks are so easy to track and trace

It is very easy to see which links have come from link merchants. Here is a small example to show you how. Imagine you have ten domains, and someone wants to buy ten links, so you sell them ten links (one from each domain). Then along comes another person who buys eight links, another who buys ten links, and another who buys five. It is going to soon become blindly obvious that all of these people are buying links because websites are going to start having identical linking patterns (identical domains). After a few sales, the search engines are going to be able to quickly identify all the people who have bought links.

They do not offer strong links

A strong link is one that comes from related websites, or related content. It is from a website that has a reasonable amount of traffic, and is one that will last a long time (aka, will not break in a few months). Link merchants offer none of that. All they care about is showing links to your website during the period between you placing the order, and you paying them. Once you have paid, they will have no motivation to keep the links running. In fact, they have every motivation to remove the links so that you will buy links from one of their other temporary Internet businesses.

The links usually break within months

Even if the links are not removed, the hosting service is often not renewed, as they are only bought as short-term investments whilst they rip people off.

When the marketers are punished then so are you

It is not often the marketing websites that are punished by Google, but the websites/domains that the marketers link from. When they are punished for Black Hat SEO, so are you.

If they give you nothing then there is nothing you can do about it

There are no distance selling laws that cover breaking the usage terms of a search engine. So if they decide to run off with your money, there is no legal recourse. You will just have to suck it up and take the loss. There are even some link building companies that state that they will “try” to get you backlinks with their marketing methods. Trying does not mean doing, so they have an excuse for not delivering on your backlinks.

Author’s bio:

My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the Australian web-site http://www.essaybag.com. We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers according to the rules of the universities and colleges in Australia.