Why my alexa is going down ??

Nowadays one of my blogging friend is asking me "Why my alexa is going down". I made a big search on google and finally i got answer that why his alexa ranking is going down. I know alexa takes a very big place in site ranking like google pagerank. So i am writing this post for those who not know more about alexa. Alexa ranking depends on many facts. So read this post and get more important tips about alexa.

Why my alexa is going down ?

There are some common reasons which are responsible for taking your alexa down.

Blog Visitors

Alexa rank mostly depends on your blog's visitors. If your blog has a low number of daily visitors then your alexa must be go down. And it’s more depends on those visitors who open your site with alexa toolbar.

Site Loading Speed

As you know website loading speed takes a big place in SEO. Google always gives high ranking to only fast loading sites. Alexa ranking is also depends on website loading speed. So I suggest you to make your website a fast loading website.


If you have more site reviews in alexa then you can get high ranking on alexa. I have over 100 reviews on alexa and my alexa rank is about 80K. So ask your friends to write reviews for website on alexa. It will be better if they write review with their alexa account not with facebook account.

Traffic Type

Alexa ranking is also depends on sites traffic type. Mean if you have a blogging related blog then you can get high ranking but if you have fashion, education related blog then your alexa will go down.


I recommend you to install alexa ranking widget on your blog/site. It can increase your ranking fast. I not posted those reasons which was posted on other blogs like Alexa toolbar and more. But they are also important.

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