Gmail's free phone calls to the US and Canada

Google: 2013 Gmail web phone in the United States and Canada continue to free

Gmail Internet telephony in the United States and Canada in 2013 will continue to be free .
Wednesday announced that the the Gmail web users in the United States and Canada telephone service will remain free until the end of 2013. Google in 2011 and the end of 2010 were announced Gmail web phone service free time will be extended for one year.
In August 2010, Google launched Gmail voice and video chat feature in 2008 launched the Gmail Internet phone service. The Gmail VoIP is Google by means of a network launched its Gmail contacts in the world of super communication services, Internet telephony is regarded as the future the mainstream development direction of modern network communication. Currently, the United States and Canada through Gmail web phone service domestic phone calls will be free to make international calls is still the lowest per-minute charge $ .02. Although Google recently began closing some unpopular or loss of service, but the company announced that the Gmail web phone free time.
However, based Gmail web phone service, Google Voice also offers free domestic telephone service (Google Voice), in 2012, did not update too much.Remove from integration of Google+ contacts, and released a new version of the Android application, Google this year almost no Google Voice do.

Google's official statement of the original :

Many call via Gmail users are able to easily contact friends and family. If you live in the United States and Canada, in 2013, will continue to be able to make free calls. In addition, in many countries and regions, the user is still able to enjoy Internet telephony via Gmail low fees, international long-distance services.