Twitter Thriving Social TV market

In the past few years, the social TV market has experienced a "roller coaster" of growth. With the growing number of TV viewers are accustomed to watching TV while playing the smart phones and tablet computers, dozens of start-up companies see enormous opportunities hidden in this trend, have been pouring into the social TV market, those who are willing to share with others viewing experience for the audience polymerization together. However, in all committed to addressing the social TV market challenges in the start-up company, seems to be the only one is to thrive, it is Twitter, however, it is inconceivable that this social network has never been the business focus on addressing social on the issue of the TV market.
Social TV market we have noticed that there are some early signs of a recession, many startups had to enter the market now either acquired or disappeared out of the market. Not long ago, Nielsen acquired Socialguide. Last month, Viggle and GetGlue announced a merger plan, this plan will depend on the amount of financing obtained by the Viggle may be. At the same time, Miso other competitors also try to explore new business or turn to other markets.
These emerging social TV network has not been able to develop, in large part because people already have a share watch TV experience platform: Twitter. Twitter so far does not make full use of this advantage, but can be expected next year, Twitter will spend more energy in the field.
, Twitter is contact with the producers of television programs and operation of the parties, to seek further integration of the TV experience. This may mean that the future will appear in the reality show game based on the Twitter vote, could also mean that the focus on the introduction of interactive elements, so that the audience can get new content or network experience in the TV series.
Based on this, Twitter is actively recruiting relevant professionals. Job one listed on the Twitter website recruitment page for TV relations manager in Los Angeles.The role of this position is to act as a Twitter representatives / advocates for TV celebrities, these celebrities to release more Twitter messages in their own TV series during playback. However, the establishment of another purpose of this post is to cooperate with the operational side and the production side of the well-known television programs, efforts to integrate Twitter into their program. Responsibilities is to work with the TV industry's elite, management and dissemination of a large number of creative content, Twitter messages sent drama such as on-site, expert Q & A, and other innovative use of Twitter.
For those moments concerned about the development of the industry dynamic, this also seems Twitter logical move, because Twitter is trying to take advantage of user activity to create business opportunities, Twitter did not put in a huge effort, such opportunities had been presented. Some TV stations and TV shows have tried to use the Twitter label use of this platform for the audience to vote, and to get the audience's feedback. Twitter in this respect there is a great potential for development.
Earlier this summer, Twitter co-operation with the National Association of motor racing the launch events page. You can imagine the future, perhaps the "American Idol" and "Super Bowl", "right game" Twitter page. The beauty of these opportunities is that the content of many of these programs are the viewers own creation, do not need Twitter or television station to produce any original content.Of course, they can provide a better experience for the user.
At the same time, Twitter is still trying to prove their value to advertisers, so the experience of the brand enterprises and institutions more attractive. Such as Twitter and Nielsen recently established a cooperative relationship, set to judge the standard of good and bad effects of social television program whereby advertisers can determine its ads on television and Twitter worthwhile. If Twitter is the preferred social channels to share the viewing experience is not the TV audience is also skeptical about Twitter Nielsen sufficient to dispel such doubts.
Global TV ad spending billions of dollars annually. If we can find a way to entice advertisers around the Twitter social network focused or increase ad spending, it will be a huge success for Twitter. Over time, the importance of the TV business continued to grow on Twitter will become increasingly evident.